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The Summerdream's are sovereignty from a Fairy kingdom. They've always been seen as the peacekeepers and friendliest family in Veronaville. Despite Oberon and Titania being an arranged match, overtime they grew very fond of eachother however Oberon never got around to actually proposing-until now that is when he heard through the grapevine that his betrothed has other interests. While it's not in a fairy's nature to keep their partner's tied down, it's possible that living in Veronaville has rubbed off on him just a bit.
Their adoptive children Puck and Bottom couldn't be more adjusted to their lives here in Veronaville. Puck has a great family, a nice house, friends with almost everyone...what more could he really want? Oh yeah, Hermia Capp. Despite him mildly showing his affections for her, she's friend zoned him due to her love for Mercutio. He doesn't understand what people really see in him even if that is his best friend. Bottom has devoted her free time to practicing music and wants to one day become a famous pianist.

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