3 by 3 Challenge
This challenge was originally created as a Sims 3 Challenge however you can apply it to Sims 4 or Sims 2, so please do try it out!
This challenge goes on for as many generations you want to set it as, as long as it’s a variable of 3 (ex: 3,6,9,11….etc.).
You start with only one Sim and while creating them their third trait must be a trait that you think is undesirable for example the unflirty or klepto trait etc.. (If you’re doing this in The Sims 3&4)
You can use a money cheat ONLY three times, so if you want to buy a house for your sims, you can use the cheat but you’re only allowed to do it for that reason ONCE. The other two times must be for other reasons like to get an object(s), do an upgrade on your house, for a vacation etc.
Your Sim must go on three dates/outings before getting married to their significant other.
Your Sim must have three children, adoption counts. However you can pick which child you want to use to continue this challenge.
Your Sim must meet three supernatural sims (Sims 2&3) or three vamps and aliens in Sims 4.
Your Sim must throw three different kind of parties throughout their life (not limited to three) however three of them must be hits/successful.
Your Sim must have three friends, three best/great friends and three enemies.
Your Sims can only move worlds three times.
Your sim can move houses three times or complete three major upgrades to their house (only using the cheat once for the upgrade or purchase).
Your sim must have three pets and only one can be in a terrarium (such as snake,fish, rodent, turtle in Sims 3 or a rodent,frog,fish in Sims 4).
Your sim is to master three skills before becoming an elder.
Sim must go on vacation three times.
Your sim must collect three collectables of each kind. In the Sims 4, your sims must complete three different collections.
Your sim must get at least three promotions in their chosen career (not limited to just three).