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There is no such thing as a dull moment in Pleasantview. In Strangetown? What is the meaning of dull? Not a sentence that comes from any of their mouths that's for sure....
Alexander Goth and Lucy Burb think they're onto something so much greater than they're aware of while it somehow launches the reopening of the Bella Goth case that had been closed for some time now but was this the kind of case that John Burb was looking for when he got his transfer to the Pleasantview Police Department and will Jennifer keep quiet when she finds out that her brother is up to his old ways?
When Daniel receives news regarding something he's been fearing for awhile, he doesn't quite know how he's going to hide this from his family, especially since his wife Mary Sue's political race for mayor is in full swing...and will his twin daughters ever come to respect each other, he thought the fact that they brought Coral and Herb to live with the family was going to help settle this long lasting feud between the two of them.
While Darren has his hands full with trying to work out a deal with Malcom Landgrab to lease some business property for a new art gallery he wants to open, will he even have time to notice the path his son Dirk seems to be going down with his girlfriend Lilith, a rather harsh but expressive girl.
Will Don and Kalynne's scheme pan out? Is he getting married to Cassandra because he wants in on the money and fame or does he actually care about her....does Darren think that he doesn't realize he chases her around town like a lost puppy? And even though he knows Nina deserves much better than him, he can't seem to break off his long lasting affair with her, no matter how hard he tries....ah, so many women, so little time...
Dina is sure she has Mortimer wrapped around her bony fingers with the wedding plans and business deals shes been working out with his money, but when she finds hears about John Burb snooping about the manor asking questions, she grows a bit uneasy... she thought Mortimer had gotten over the loss of his wife.
Nina still swoons over every word that Don says exactly as she had done back in highschool. Although she knows he's to be married to Cassandra, she is determined to make sure he doesn't forget matter what it takes to achieve that.
As for Brandi Broke...will she ever catch a break? If it's not with her son Dustin and his questionable attitude and catching him sneaking out, it's coping with her financial struggles while trying to raise her second son Skip, and hoping that she's not right about another pregnancy....why does Malcom seem to be so polite to her though? She only met him a few times through her late husband......

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