Current Work in Progress?
So, I've been working the past few days on a new neighborhood in The Sims 2! The name is Sommersby Bay, and it has a few different districts in it! Something I've always loved and appreciated about The Sims 2 was that players were able to create custom neighborhoods and decorate them as they please... this left us with endless opportunities to create some pretty nifty things. If you were skilled enough, you'd know how to go into one of the SimsCity games (which one? I have no idea) and create your own maps to put into your Sims 2 games and decorate them to play in.
Building a neighborhood in this game is something that I've always kinda struggled to make look realistic, they mostly ended up being a random bunch of lots with sparse landmarks etc. and almost zero trees, ponds, statues etc... so, with this one I've been working my hardest to make this 'hood to look as realistic as possible.

So...Sommersby has FIVE districts that I'm slowly starting to decorate and work on and I'm actually really excited about!
The Rural District
The rural district of Somersby Bay is a more secluded area where a lot of farming properties are, markets and the local community garden is also here where you can go to pick and purchase fresh produce. It's the perfect place to settle down in if you're looking for peace, quiet and a great place to d some ghost hunting?
The Business District The business district of Sommersby Bay is where you can go for your one stop shopping needs in the heart of the city. If you're just leaving the nest of your parents house and need a cheap place to live, or a cheaper business space to lease, this is the perfect area...err...just make sure you have insurance and a working security system.

The Industrial District
The industrial district of Sommersby Bay is the area that is the least remains a mystery for most sims of Sommersby Bay only venturing there to either go to the hospital or if they work at the Science facility there. There's been rumors spreading around town that there was an alien crash site hidden away in the woods but there's a theory that city council is doing their best to cover it up with other preposterous theories.
The Suburban District
The suburban district of Sommersby Bay is where the sims who enjoy the finer things in life reside. There's the prettiest parks, the best schools as well as some rather large houses. If you're sim lives in this area you know they've made it. Is the grass always greener on the other side though or is the white picket fence just s facade most families in this neighborhood put on for the people looking in?
The Bay District
The bay district of Sommersby Bay is where sims like to hang loose and keep things as breezy as the air is in this part of town. It's an easy going area that people can catch some waves at the beach, grab some fish and chips for lunch or enjoy a fancy lobster dinner on the water, they can even enjoy a morning jog on the boardwalk... the views are something to be taken in, granted you don't get startled by the towns conspiracy theorist going on about seeing some sort of giant sea creature to anyone willing to listen. Some people consider the bay area to be a special place that the town couldn't exist without.

Coming SOON I'll have a page in The Sims 2 section of the site where you will be able to read all about the happenings in Sommersby Bay and I honestly can't wait to get more of a story hashed out for this neighborhood!!