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Default Replacement CC!

As some of you guys may be like me, and think some of the Sims 2 Create A Sim choices are and well, lets be real, just plain old FUGLY lol. Sorry EA, I had to say it... I love you and all but playing the game almost 15+ years since the game released leaves us a little jaded on some of the oh so stylish choices we got. Hence the creations from our amazing modders in the community and their wonderful idea to create default replacements. Which is basically CC that replaces hair,clothes etc. out with the original.

I've been meaning to do some default replacement CC shopping for the past little while and since I got a request from one of my awesome viewers I decided why not make a video for it? So, I did.

I did this CC shopping video a little bit different from my last one, I basically showed a few of the things I was going to replace and then hopped into my game and showed the items off. Sure, not all 95-97 items but, a fair few of them to give you guys an idea that they worked etc. When I was recording in game however, I started getting the flashing pink issue and had to exit the game unfortunately so I didn't get to show off all of the female items in the video but, like I said, I've listed all the links!

Hope you guys enjoy the video and have fun shopping!

CC LINKS The main website where I get links to the replacement is HERE! *the (#x) at the end is the number that the download is, if there is a number it's because it's a page with more than one download on it so pay attention to the number I have put!*

FEMALE Female Outfits

Female Tops

Female Bottoms

Female Athletic

Female Formal

Female Outerwear

Female Pajamas

Female Swimwear 1) Original / Replacement


Male Outfits

Male Tops

Male Bottoms

Male Athletic

Male Pajamas


Female Hair

12) Original / Replacement (#1)

17) Original / Replacement (#2)

Male Hair

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