New Year, New Lets Play!
Hey everyone, in case you missed any of my other social media posting, I first off want to start by saying happy freaking new year! 2018 was legit one hell of a year for me in my real life and I'm legit so happy it's over, as for my year in review for my Youtube channel I hit some milestones that I'm really proud of and the biggest one was hitting 1k subscribers and not far after that, brought Sims 2 back to my channel permanently, one of the best decisions I've made regarding Youtube in a long time. BUT, enough about me...what I made this post for was to announce a brand new Lets Play that I'll be doing! I haven't done an LP on there in quite a while so I'm a little nervous but I'm really excited!

"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
Yes, it's taking place in Veronaville and yes, it's centered around the Pre Made families and I could not be more excited about that. I've been wanting to do one for awhile and had a vote on my community tab on the channel asking what people would like to see, one in Belladonna Cove, Desiderata Valley or in Veronaville. I was personally leaning more towards the last option but I wanted to give you guys some input because you're the ones who watch my videos and such haha. So, the way this LP is going to work out is that I'm going to be doing 5-7 rounds (unless people want to see more). So, I'll be playing each household every round and then once starting a new round, I'll do a recap of some of the events that took place. I'm hoping to keep this lets play dramatic as it has tons of potential to be and well, if you've read Shakespeare's Romeo and Julliet, you know there's never a dull moment. Although, I don't know if I'll be including as much death but you never know....I might just go that dark haha.
Anyways, I thought I'd give you guys some info on this Lets Play and how I'll be playing through this LP. I'm starting out with playing through the Capp families and then moving onto the Monty families and parts will be up every Wednesday (unless real life gets in the way) so make sure to tune in!! In case you're not coming from Youtube, here's the first part below that you can watch!