This family is low key beautiful to be honest....
Have any of you reading this ever had like, major crushes on the sims you make? Or just have a special place in your heart for a certain family? Asking cause I mean....I do. It has been a long while since I've made a family that I claimed were my favorite but here you have it folks.
Meet the Cliftons!

This family is what some might consider Sommersby Bay elite. Some might even consider them to be royalty when it comes to gossip about this prestegious family. Why you might ask? Well, you're looking at the Mayor of Sommersby Bay, no it's not Conner Clifton but actually his wife Jillian (Girl Power,ftw). Jillian is Sommersby Bay's newly elected mayor, however she has been in the political scene for quite some time working her butt off to make changes around town. Infact, she was on the board a few years back for the new hospital that was build recently. When sims hear the name "Clifton", they automatically think of money, social status and an urge of jealousy arises in them.
Connor and Jillian weren't always at the top of the social ladder though, some would say they were the perfect example of a rags to riches family. Neither of them came from a wealthy background nor were their families very well known around Sim City. However when both Jillian and Connor met in highschool they were both making names for themselves. By their senior year Connor had made captain of the highschool football team and Jillian was involved in many different clubs including captain of the cheer leading squad and the debate team. When Connor first met Jill, he knew he just had to must up the courage to talk to ask her on a date. It wasn't until he was getting help with his math lesson from one of Jillian's friends did that exact thing happen. At first Jillian was really hesitant, sure she knew who Connor Clifton was but, she never really considered him someone she'd see herself dating but she agreed because she could tell he was super nervous to ask her and she didn't want to come off as rude, she did have an image to maintain after all.
Their first date turned out to go better than Jillian had expected. The two actually had many things in common, they both were super ambitious and wanted successful careers. Connor explained to her that he wanted to go to Law school while Jillian explained that she had a dream to get high up with politics and maybe one day become Mayor. Jillian hesitated when Connor asked about her family, she wasn't close to her folks which is why she spent so much time with her hobbies and passions. She didn't want to make her parents look bad but it was hard not to with the way she closed herself off every time there was any mention of family by any of her's not exactly easy to talk about your parents when her father was currently in jail for a drunk driving accident that took the lives of innocent people. She didn't know how to talk about it cause she herself still hadn't processed it.

After university degrees, moving to a new town and many promotions later, the Cliftons bought their first house and decided to get married. Shortly after they had their first child, Gregory their life really took off. Connor started taking on high profile cases and Jillian had the opportunity of a life time to sit on city counsel and became the Mayor's assistant. As time passed, Jillian got pregnant again with their first girl, by the time Gregory was a child she was born and life was flashing before their eyes. Jillian decided to run for mayor and after almost a year of campaigning she managed to become Sommersby Bay's first female Mayor. With Conner's high profile cases and Jillian's new position as Mayor, they were able to afford a much bigger house. It wasn't long before this family were the talk of the town. With improvements being around Sommersby Bay thanks to Jillian, and the lavish parties they threw the Cliftons were easily one of the most sought after families in some time.

What people didn't realize was how overworked this couple was, how they hadn't had a date night in almost a year or how strained the relationship was with their kids. After their third child Chantale, the couple knew they needed a break....but when was the right time? The most important thing that Connor hadn't noticed that Gregory had, was Jillian's increase in drinking. Not only was she taking her overworked frustrations out on her son, Gregory noticed that his dad didn't even realize just how bad it was getting. Gregory had gotten to the point where all he cared about was his art work and keeping up to date with new scientific research that was going on. When he wasn't in his room painting, he was at the science lab with his mentor. His parents were always bothering him about studying instead of bother with silly things like art. It seemed like the only person Gregory really cared about was his baby sister Chantal.
Despite this family looking happy on the outside, there were many things that weren't being said. Are they going to finally address the real problems of what's been going on or will they continue to focus on themselves and their own ambitions?

If you guys would like to watch me create this beautiful family, feel free to watch their Create A Sim video! I'm definitely super in love with this family for many reasons and I absolutely love the story I created for them. The pictures I included in this were pretty fitting considering the time of year it is. Hope you guys like the Cliftons as much as I do!